Zand erover
A show that provides a comprehensing picture of the Dutch funeral culture.
Zand erover
There is only one thing certain in life: that it ends. Death is as old as life itself and the one thing that unites people throughout every century and every culture: hodi mihi, cras tibi (today me, tomorrow you).
Death fascinates and scares people. Many see death as the end, the black hole, the great nothing. Others see death as the true beginning, as redemption or the fulfillment of a promise. We can only guess. So we have dressed death. Partly out of necessity, to get rid of the soulless bodies in an acceptable fashion, but also as an enchantment: rituels make the mystery manageable.
Even nowadays death and everything surrounding it is still a taboo. Simultaneously the open door days of cemeteries and crematoria are very well visited. The time has come for a show about death: about the rituals surrounding it, about funerals, about cremation, about the past, present and the future of our attitude against death.